Sunday, April 30, 2006

Lil' Hellboy

My hard drive is full. My new external drive is on it's way. Until then, Photoshop is not my friend. The massive doodle composite will have to wait. Until Amazon saves the day, I offer you Lil' Hellboy. I just picked up the new STRANGE PLACES book, and I've had Hellboy on the brain.

Today I ate Hell Chicken. The proof is here.

Next Saturday night, May 6th, will be the opening reception for Mari Inukai's show "Syun-ga" (Spring Dreams) at Gallery Nucleus. There will be live music and complimentary sake and otsumami (Oishi!), so get there early!


I guess alot of people hadn't heard about this yet. It was announced a year ago, but I'm not sure if it's begun airing yet. You can find a fan guide to the early promo footage here. A more updated version is here, but it's in Japanese. Still plenty to see, tho. (Be sure to check out the Quicktime movies!)


MARILLA said...

domo ありがとう! for putting my show info!
and wow.. super cute hell boy!
I love hell boy too! I got..a big figure of him. do you?
see you on saturday!
I will put 浴衣on..the night.

Jay D Smith said...

cute hellboy/baby!!

Unknown said...

Wow cool! "hell Chicken" - don't worry, I know you and I are both going there in a hand basket! he he he... thanks pal - for coming to the candy shop show... U R such great company! xoxox minja

PotatoFarmGirl said...

I know someone else who had Pollo Loco recently, they almost died. Don't eat there again, especially in the valley! Yay Hellboy baby! and PPG Z!!

burgerlog said...

hummmm... nice stalling technique. when does that hard drive come?
yeah the drawings is cute.

Adriaan said...

godver. What is this?

Miles Thompson said...

did Craig "eyes like vaginas" McCracken do this? it sure looks like his stuff

thanks for hipping this to me - i smile


She-Thing said...

That miniHellboy is GREAT! You inspired me to do a Hellboy Jr. of my own. :)

rebound said...

you have some amazing work! Dexters lab is still one of my favourite cartoons of all did an insane job with the mechs on that show!


Chris Battle said...

Thanks, gang. Ya can't lose with Hellboy! The mega-doodle is coming; Check back soon.

Mari: Great show! You are the super-talent!

Dookie-log: Sheesh, you got no faith in me. It arrived last week and is working fine. New freshness coming any minute.

Miles: Oooohhh.... HARSH!!

Angie Pansey said...

Dude...your work is SWEET! All of it is frickin amazing.

Jason Lethcoe said...

Great stuff man. Love the style of all your work!