... but a little too busy to post anything of my own, so instead I'll just promote some of my pals' stuff!

The always amazing
CHRIS RECCARDI has an exclusive on-line interview with
HI-FRUCTOSE Magazine that you must check out. Chris shoots the shit about his lengthy career in the biz working on all your favorite cartoons, and even shares his rough sketches before they become painted masterpieces. Be sure to check out the awesome catfight storyboard sequence from the long-delayed

Okay, so I'm a little late spreading the news, but I sure as hell hope you guys watched the Billy & Mandy spin-off special
UNDERFIST over the weekend.
Maxwell Atoms and the gang turned out a trick-or-treat bag full of of Halloween cartoon kick-assery featuring the work of rock stars like
Andy Suriano,
Phil Rynda, and more. Some guy named
Carl even did some voicework. You can check out some kick-ass layout art from UNDERFIST by Andy

Speaking of Andy, you owe it to yourself to pick up a copy of his book
ART OF ANDY, chock full of Andy's unbelievable cartoon masterworks. Do yourself a favor and go to his blog and order one, or if you're in LA, head over to
House of Secrets in Burbank and pick one up. You'll be glad you did.
That Dan Krall guy found time between working on cool stuff like CHOWDER and CORALINE to illustrate a children's book. Way to make the rest of us look lazy. You can pre-order it HERE.
psst... The COMPLETE POWERPUFF GIRLS SERIES is coming to DVD in January 2009. With tons on extras. Pre-order it NOW, whydoncha?In the meantime, I'm busy working on one of Cartoon Network's new
"Cartoonstitute" shorts... involving one of the guys mentioned above. I won't say which, tho. That would be telling.