This one's for everyone who went down to Comic-con and got hot 'n' sweaty amongst the nerd herd:

I didn't go myself, but I felt the hot 'n' sweaty out here in the San Fernando Valley as record temperatures blew out power to several lucky areas last Saturday, including our block. For 2 and a half days, 108 degree temperatures turned our home into a lovely mid-century oven. Perfect conditions for attempting to finish the freelance I had under-taken! Trying to work in a crowded, noisy coffee joint (not recommended) led to finally renting a hotel room the 2nd night so I could work and we could actually sleep.
Today, power was restored..... and we had a refridgerator to clean out. So thanks for putting up with the lack of a new post for the *big* weekend. I have a new batch of doodles to post once I clean 'em up a bit, so just be patient...

...and if you didn't go to Comic-con, this is all you missed.