Leana & Paul Rudish, Roger Webb, and Amy Keating Rogers (Soren's Mom!).

Brianne Drouhard, my lovely wife Eiko, Mariko Ukai, Leticia Lacy.

Nick the Ring keeps the joint bumpin'.

From FOSTER'S HOME FOR IMAGINARY FRIENDS Director Lauren Faust comes the original pencil cover art for her book Milky Way and the Galaxy Girls.

Special pen & ink drawing of the entire cast of FOSTER'S HOME FOR IMAGINARY FRIENDS by creator Craig McCracken.

Andrew Brandou, brilliant as usual. From his "Hell" half of the "Heaven & Hell" show.

Anna Chambers rocks the plush.

More stunning work from Brianne Drouhard, aka The Best Kept Secret in Animation.

Paul Rudish works out his painterly side on a cardboard canvas.
Is there anything the guy can't do??
Is there anything the guy can't do??

The low angle on this Lynne Naylor gal makes her look even leggier than she is already! I think they hung this one up so high just to keep people from trying to walk out the door with it.

Original pen & ink comic strip from DEXTER/PPG alum Chris Savino.

From HI HI PUFFY AMIYUMI Director Shellie Kvilvang.

A fine tradition of cartoon bears continues with this cool ad marker art
from Andy Suriano.
from Andy Suriano.

JOHNNY BRAVO creator Van Partible's tribute to ABC's 70's era
Saturday morning PSA's. Watch some of 'em HERE.
Saturday morning PSA's. Watch some of 'em HERE.

My man Joe Orrantia, painting scenes of an older world lost to us modern technlogical types.

Cool pen & ink piece by Mari Inukai. Kawaii!

I don't know this artist, but I like this one :)

...and finally, a picture by some guy.
Some of the art will still be on display until February 3rd and can be viewed online HERE. There's even a closing night party Saturday, February 2nd from 3:00 - 7:00pm, so if you're in the area, you should drop by!

I know I've been telling you for the past few months that THE MIGHTY B would premiere in January, and you probably noticed it hasn't aired.... that's 'cause they're bumping the premiere back to Saturday Morning, APRIL 26 @ 9:00 AM. So try not to get too wasted that Friday night so you can wake up early for it.

If you wanna get another sneak peek at the show, check out the giant NICKTOONS: NOT JUST CARTOONS book by Jerry Beck. At the end of the book is a big section on Mighty B, with tons of art from the pilot, along with early pre-production drawings.