Sunday, April 12, 2009


Can't share this one with you just yet, but here's a small taste:

What is it? You'll find out next month ;)


Thought I'd take a moment to plug the upcoming GREEN LANTERN DVD. I only did about 2 seconds worth of work on this one, but I'm DAMN proud to have been a part of another kick-ass production from Bruce Timm & the gang @ WB. The crew includes heavy hitters like LeSean Thomas, Jose Lopez, and director Lauren Montgomery, so be sure to check it out this July!


Unknown said...

i'm really excited to see this one too! what did you do on it?

Eddie Perkins said...

Looks great so far.

Anonymous said...

The "Tease" title and the close up on cartoon girl parts was cracking me up... until Brandon Vietti told me it was something that you couldn't show yet. I should learn to read first. But conceptually I thought it was super funny! Awesome that you worked on GL also, it's looking quite good from what i can see over Lauren's shoulder and the soundtrack blasting out of her office sounds great as well.

Awesome work, Chris. I love your girl drawings!

paublo said...

gah! you're such a tease!!

Lauren said...

I can't wait to see the whole thing! I mean the girl drawing, not the Green Lantern movie. That thing sucks. Those WB folks don't know what they're doing! ;)

Chris Battle said...

I know! Apparently they let some girl direct it! WTF

Daisy Church said...

oooh! can't wait to see the girlie image- looks cute from what i can see!! : D

About us said...

Those some real illustrations

Uncle Phil said...

ready.. set. GO! kaptcha word.. "adshlop"

XAV said...

This girl is gonna be hot as hell...

Jon McNally said...

Such a tease! This all looks like great stuff, sir.

Unknown said...

Your work is so fun to look at. I'll be checking back often. Definitely have to see this one when it's done.

The Powerpuff Girl stuff is really nice.

Gnarfdeath said...

looking forward to seeing the rest of that.....yeowwwzza!

ANDY KUHN said...

you make beautiful cartoons chris.
thanks for visiting my blog! :)

corrine said...


Dave Chlystek said...

Looks awesome dude!

What did you do on it?

Chris Battle said...

All the alien laser guns. Except for the frag bazooka.