Obviously, I still dig Darth Vader alot.

I think at the time I thought Superboy was a kid sidekick to Superman.
I do believe that is Krypto on the bottom.
I do believe that is Krypto on the bottom.

Bruce Timm has his formula for superheroes, and so did I

Iron Man! You know I'm psyched about the movie.

I think all those letters on the Enterprise confused me at the time,
since I had only recently learned the alphabet.
since I had only recently learned the alphabet.
Funny how once we get older, we spend the rest of our lives trying to recapture the same sense of artistic freedom we had back before we were "professional" doodlers...
WARNING: There will be anime.
WARNING: There will be anime.
Saturday Morning art show at Nucleus this weekend!

Hey, kids! Be sure to check out the cool new "After These Messages" show this weekend (Feb 10) at Gallery Nucleus! It's gonna be chock full of cool artwork inspired by Saturday morning cartoons from back in the day, done by the animation artists of today! You can see work by my pals Jay, Anna, Brianne, Derrick, Mindy, Mari, Megan, Stef, Ben, Martin, Alex, Elizabeth, & Jeaux. Come on down for free booze 'n' breakfast cereal!!!
me deffinatley kids work is cool even though im still a (kid) wehn i was littler i was a huge pokemon fan
those are awesome!! i drew mainly naked pictures of women and then would throw them in the bathroom garbage, where my mom would find them and yell at me...and garfield. You were more talented as a kid than i am now, and that's really depressing...sigh.
ahhh HA HA HA! That's the stuff right there - I'll have to get crackin' on scannin' that kids book i told you about - and yes, indeed, I am still secretly in love with Rick Hunter.
freakin' minnmay man,
had to get in the way.
Unbelievable. It's amazing that you were just as thorough then as you are now.
What is funny is that it is easy to tell what every drawing is without the notes. Anime drawn by teenagers is the best. Everyone knows that!
AWESOME stuff's you have here...mmmm...I think that I have only four or five "childhood art" in my house...I need to post they...
Man, I love seeing professional cartoonists' childhood drawings, haha. I need to find some of mine, just all my crayon drawings from before I knew I wanted to be a cartoonist. Oddly, once I decided that, my drawings started to suck. Classic case of trying too hard.
Hahahaha! these are friggin awesome, dude! I love that Vader and your "katamari" looking superman is rad.
you drew well back then...
What happened?
Ha! That DOES rule! And thanks about the warning about the teenage years too. ;)
haha..these are great man.. better than i draws now
Wow...that fifth one down (the big watercolour face) is a beaut.
hmmmmm....can't say I am shocked. 'chris kid' star wars drawings are awesome, but I think you should explore some other charcters in your 'adult chris' drawings...specifically non-starwars! ha ha ! can't wait to see the next batch!
Cute!:D I like the Darth Vader, the Superman and the Enterprise drawings a lot!
awesome! I wish I still had some of my childhood artwork...:(
haha vader's awesome
I would hope "The Teenage Years" is also proliferated with dodgy buxom wenches with broadswords, as was my own mullet-haired acne-ridden youth!
Adorable! :3
I'm looking forward to teenage anime drawings also.
Chris, the blog looks great, and El Tigre does look like the best thing for a long while. The work on the 'post its' is fantastic, working so small is a challenge but very satisfying, i often work on projects for mobile phones and it is the same sort of thing... (well almost)
i love lookign at old drawings from when i was a kid
The real lesson of this post? SAVE YOUR CHILDHOOD ARTWORK!!! It's always worth it. If it's too late for that, definitely save your child's stuff (If ya gots one of them little guys)
I challenge all youse guys to post your old art, too! C'mon-- dig that good stuff outta that old box in the closet.
Gene- I did my fair share of Garfield as a kid. Nekkid ladies didn't come 'til later ;)
Minja- In love with Rick Hunter? Then you're gonna love the teenage anime post. Stay tuned.
Chris- Katamari Superman? Wow... maybe I wuz ahead of my time.
Jo Bling- No broadswords, but there wuz alot of bad comic book drawings where I was trying to draw like John Byrne or George Perez. Maybe I'll post one or two of those.
WOW!! Chris these drawings are fun and precious!! YOu are V talented kid back then!!
Chris so great to see ya and catch up...
I love these...Thanks for bringing Lambe it was fun !
Hey!!Why your cheewbaca is so angry and creepy??LOL!!!Haha!!!
OH SHYTE! Those are so cooool! I can totaly see the same thoroughness as roque said.You were more talented then than I am now as well.I think I have some of my old kidd stuff I'l try to find it!
Oh man. You don't know how hard you hit the nail on the head. Kids art is the best and as we grow up, it gets harder and harder to capture what it's like to be a kid and do art. No worries. No competition. You don't even judge yourself! It's pure fun!
One year I might like to put together a sketchbook of all my childhood doodles but I think the only audience for somethin' like that is me, so I can look back on it all fondly... *sigh*
Thanks for sharing!
Man, you got a treasure in that box..
felicidades es genial...
duuude! hells to the yes man!
dude your star wars drawings are the biz-omb! Better than episode 4,5,6!!
Superb kids pics !! I wish I'd kept more of my own old Star Wars pics from when I was a kid !!
That is PRECIOUS! Too cute... I especially love the superman and the character line up of the superheros.... niccccce!
OH, now I wish I had kept my old childhood drawings. And that Darth Vador looked just like my childhood version of him!
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