The new show I've been working on at Disney for the past year, KICK BUTTOWSKI: SUBURBAN DAREDEVIL, launches Saturday morning February 13th @ 8:30 AM/7:30 Central on Disney XD.
in HD at the iTunes Store!
The crew includes artists from Dexter's Laboratory, Powerpuff Girls, Samurai Jack, Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends, & Ni Hao Kai-lan! This one's for the kids, so try to have one with you when you tune in.

I recently received a Kreativ Blogger Award. How 'bout that? The super-talented Scott Brothers listed me as one of his favorites, so much thanks to ya, Scott!
As part of the rules for the Kreativ Blogger award, I have to nominate the next 7 Kreativ Bloggers, and then list 7 things about myself that people might find interesting. Okay, here's my nominees:
- I call her the best kept secret in animation, but you can just call Brianne Drouhard "Hey You!"
- John Struan's SUPERPUNCH blog is full of fun just waiting to be discovered.
- Most excellent French girlie artist Xavier Ramonède needs to put out book. Like, now.
- My old pal Dan Krall consistently shares killer animation production art and brilliant sketchwork observations of life.
- Bob Shea & Lane Smith's Curious Pages blog will provide you with cool children's book illustrations from around the world.
- Batman Smells is the best year-round Christmas kitsch/culture/design blog out there.
- If you like movies, you owe it to yourself to check out The Art of the Title Sequence blog.
... and 7 things? Okay, you asked for it:
- 1. I've been on TV, radio, and in the newspaper at various times in my life.
2. As a child, I was encouraged to continue drawing by Sergio Aragones, Al Jaffee, Jim Davis, and Frank Thomas & Ollie Johnston. So it's all their fault.
3. I am currently without a gaming system and it hurts.
4. My daughter prefers I read the cartoon-based books to her over my wife, 'cause I can do all the funny voices :)
5. I love toys and action figures, but I don't buy them (unless they're of a show I work on). It's strictly a spectator thing with me.
6. My Dad looks like Carl Fredricksen from UP (If he was 6'4")
7. I really want Thai food for lunch today.