This is a little piece I did for an upcoming feature I'm working on. Not sure if she'll make it into the film, since story details aren't final, so I thought she should have a chance to be seen:
This is the first thing I've ever colored digitally, by the way. (That's probably obvious) Here's the original post-it clean-up:
Happy Holidays to all my cartoon pals & all my new blogger friends, too!
Man, I love cartoons that still do title cards. DEXTER'S LAB was one of those shows that featured new, hand-painted title cards for each short.(Painted by the very talented Martin Ansolabehere and Sue Mondt) Here's a few of the ones I drew:
I did this for the POWERPUFF GIRLS MOVIE. It was going to be finished as a "realistic" photo of the girls and probably would have filled the entire screen when a character held it up to the camera. It wound up getting cut because of a goof-up with a tie-in contest on Cartoon Network's website. Dang.