A new HAPPY TREE FRIENDS short from the gang at Ghostbot that I did character layout for is now online. Working from cool new re-designs of HTF's super-squirrel Splendid by Roque Ballesteros, I had the lucky assignment of drawing all the cool action poses that went into this super-powered beatdown. Here's a sampling:

That's a lot of Post-Its.
Happy Blogoversary!
Wow! I liked this Happy Tree Friends episode! Nice designs!
And a "Happy Berfday" to you!
Nice work on the HTF short, too!
I liked the whale fight. Very much. Happy Blorgsday!
3 years eh? Well I've been around the same amount of time but I only post once a year. DIG THAT! Great stuff btw. Hope to be stopping by more often.
Great work all round.
3 years of awesomeness. Congrats. Excellent designs!
Happy blog birthday! Looking forward to the next three more years+ of CB goodness. Oh, and your giant header is so big, it's exploding out of its bounding box!
Great job on those action poses too. The short is awesome!
Rockin' it, Battle!
congratulations! you have a fantastic blog!!
awesome poses, I want to do cool action poses too!
Great work!!
I really like your stuff!!
Happy Berfday. Nice new header art too!
WOO HOO!! COngrat with the B-day of your blog!! AWESOME AWESOME!!
time flies! love the new header!
Great! I like Happy Tree Friends, they are very funny. Nice Sketches!
Happy 3rd bday bro! Great job on those poses too!!
Happy Blogaversary, Biggie C.
It might be 3 years of blogging, but the post per month are getting a wee bit slow lately.
Whhaaa? I no I didunt....
I just wanted to tell you that I've been lurking around your blog a ton in the past and I love seeing a new post in my dashboard from you! Its always a treat. Thanks for taking the time to visit mine. Looking forward to your amazing art. <3
Steve- Oh NO you DI'NT!! You hadda go there, G?!? That's the 2 weeks-late Juggernaut re-design calling the kettle black... or late. Whichever.
I'm at Disney now, so we gotta get lunch with the other fellas soon.
Happy 3 years! I'm sure the next 3 will be as enjoyable as the first!
Hooray!!! Glad you're still doing it after three. Love that banner/post it combo.
Sweet designs Chris. It still feels like Happy Tree Friends but has far more breathe in the designs now. I've been really digging where Ghostbot has been taking Happy Tree Friends.
Happy Blog-Aniver....whatever you want to call it!
Chris, you just get TAG to post 7 stories about yourself, and then you will have to TAG 7 other friends. ^_^ That's if you want to play the TAG game! LOL
Funny draws, nice artwork!!
Smart work again Chris !!!! Great updates since I was hear last !! :)
awesome work! great blog you got here.
super-squirrel's tale is very beautiful
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