The new show I've been working on at Disney for the past year, KICK BUTTOWSKI: SUBURBAN DAREDEVIL, launches Saturday morning February 13th @ 8:30 AM/7:30 Central on Disney XD.
in HD at the iTunes Store!
The crew includes artists from Dexter's Laboratory, Powerpuff Girls, Samurai Jack, Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends, & Ni Hao Kai-lan! This one's for the kids, so try to have one with you when you tune in.

I recently received a Kreativ Blogger Award. How 'bout that? The super-talented Scott Brothers listed me as one of his favorites, so much thanks to ya, Scott!
As part of the rules for the Kreativ Blogger award, I have to nominate the next 7 Kreativ Bloggers, and then list 7 things about myself that people might find interesting. Okay, here's my nominees:
- I call her the best kept secret in animation, but you can just call Brianne Drouhard "Hey You!"
- John Struan's SUPERPUNCH blog is full of fun just waiting to be discovered.
- Most excellent French girlie artist Xavier Ramonède needs to put out book. Like, now.
- My old pal Dan Krall consistently shares killer animation production art and brilliant sketchwork observations of life.
- Bob Shea & Lane Smith's Curious Pages blog will provide you with cool children's book illustrations from around the world.
- Batman Smells is the best year-round Christmas kitsch/culture/design blog out there.
- If you like movies, you owe it to yourself to check out The Art of the Title Sequence blog.
... and 7 things? Okay, you asked for it:
- 1. I've been on TV, radio, and in the newspaper at various times in my life.
2. As a child, I was encouraged to continue drawing by Sergio Aragones, Al Jaffee, Jim Davis, and Frank Thomas & Ollie Johnston. So it's all their fault.
3. I am currently without a gaming system and it hurts.
4. My daughter prefers I read the cartoon-based books to her over my wife, 'cause I can do all the funny voices :)
5. I love toys and action figures, but I don't buy them (unless they're of a show I work on). It's strictly a spectator thing with me.
6. My Dad looks like Carl Fredricksen from UP (If he was 6'4")
7. I really want Thai food for lunch today.
Disney won't share its videos in my country BOO00! I'm sure it's a treat though.
Congrats to you ! Your little one and mine have something in common. Daddy's always do better voices :P
nice work! looks like there is some stuff popping off at Disney, which is good. I like to hear that my cartoonist homies are not starving. booya!
Thanks for the link, Chris! And nice version of Kreative Award badge that you made (I presume). The one that was passed to me was pretty awful.
Hey, Scott-- I found the badge at Strawberry Lemonade's blog after a Google search; She redesigned it herself, so I'm doing my best to make sure it spreads...
Nice! Great find. And congrats on the show, it looks cool!
The show looks great dude!
Congrats man. This one actually looks really cool.
Hello Chris, okay?
I am a adimirador of your work and I confess I am studying this your style I'm particularly suspicious to talk hahahhaha!
when you have the time and a look at my blog and see What you think ...
Sugira uma tradução melhor
hey, thanks dude! Always glade you like my filles :D
I'm so sad, your video here is just viewable in the US, I can't watch it :(
hmm the video doesn't play. may be my computer is foreign.
glad to see new stuff coming out of the house of mouse:)
Congrats on the Blogger Award!
Congrats on the Show Chris!
It has got to be worth checking out if your beastly talented hands helped in creating it.
Always very cool to see the various projects you have on the go!
Keep up the inspiring work!
Kick Buttowski is AWESOME :D
I've gotten around to watching it recently. You guys did a GREAT job the animations splendid! You should totally post some Kick buttowski production art or ..storyboards... *drool* ... X3
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