I'm so dang busy these days, it's hard to find the time to spiff up my artwork to make it blog-worthy. Since most of that stuff is only half-polished, here's a giant prehistoric crocodile from XIOALIN SHOWDOWN to tide you over:
It's hanging out in a deep-sea cavern next to Atlantis, so that's why it's got the glowing eyes 'n' stuff.
People sometimes ask me "What are you working on now?" and "When can you post some stuff from EL SUPERBEASTO?" Well, it's like this: I recently finished up work on BEASTO, and it won't be coming out 'til 2007, so in the meantime, I can't post any of the artwork I did for the movie. (They even made us sign papers that specifically mentioned blogs!) Maybe if they put some of my art on the official website, it can be considered "declassified", but not until then, I guess.
....so as I search for that next cool project, I'm doing some work on Jorge Guiterrez & Sandra Equihua's wild new show at Nickelodeon, EL TIGRE. That won't be out until 2007 either, so you can't see any of my stuff for that, too. :(
...I'm also working with the cool cats over at GHOSTBOT on a sooper secret project that I can't even tell you about!
What's next for this kid? As soon as I know, I'll let all of you know....
Giant Robot's sister store GR2 has an awesome Post-It art show, POST DEUX, on display thru September 19. Their walls are covered in tons of the little yellow stickies (Nearly 2,000) featuring the doodles of 32 different artists. Super-cool; Check it out! ....and be sure to stop at Beard Papa for creampuffs before you leave.
good to hear that you are keeping busy
and that people are recognizing your drawing talents. Best of luck to you.
nice crocodile design
You obviously didn't read the clause in OUR contract that says we will send out our killer droids once you post a picture of our Ghostbots on your blog. It was in Paragraph U Section D-I-E.
Our people will call your people...
Nice work pimping yourself out, Battle!
Hate the game, don't hate the player, yo! ;)
btw, Roque, I can neither read nor write, so I missed that part of the contract.
This post was written for me.
Killer work!! i got to see a clip at sandiego for el tigre and all i can say is wow!! my buddy steve lambe is also working on that bad boy too!! you lucky dogs!!!
you found me!
now YOU TOO have been linked, kind sir
stay strong
Oh man Chris you are a machine!
Glad to hear your talents arent going to waste! Love the croc!
Keep up the inspiring stuff!
I also love that post-it note gallery! Me and Dan Shoening have been doin a post it everyday at lunch for the past couple months, oh good times those lil papers are!
Yes! Radioactive crocodile! Post-it show? I'm so there!
Very COOOL!! Best of luck with your projects!! That GR2 show is fun indeed, I was there this past weekends!! :)
How's it going!?
Busy busy, i see. Maybe I will run into you again over at Tigre sometime. Great sutff!
Everything looks awesome - big fan!
Wow, that post-it wall looks purdy. I'd be in post-it heaven had I the opportunity to see it in person... Sadly, I don't- I'm on the East coast. Sigh.
Oh, and that is one cool deep-sea croc you got up there!
Sweet blog! Happy I ran across this today.
your post-it drawings can kick these post-it's in the ass! you should do a solo show of all your post-its. and show these ametures how its done. do it now!
post-it art...being sold? interesting
i'm in. how much and where can i buy it.
El Tigre rocks. The crew on that show is off da hook!
wow, really cool blog, love your style
Character designs are great.
Nice spooky crock! That post-it show looks like big fun. Come to think of it, every city should have a simultanious post-it show.
Those post its look wicked. Cool news about Superbeasto. Did you perchance meet Dave Hartman? He works with Mr.Zombie quite frequently. Awesome work as always Chris! Cheers
Thanks for hanging in there everyone; New stuff shortly... I promise!
Robin- I've been hanging with Lambey now that he's out here; That fella's kicking ass.
Chris- Be sure to check out GIANT ROBOT's New York location... they've always got cool art shows going on!
Kauf- Ya know, the cool thing about the GR2 show was that everything was only $20-$40. Even Biskup snuck one in there.
Arna/John- Maybe us bloggers need to start a massive international post-it doodle exchange....
Dan- Dave Hartman's stuff is awesome... the movie is obviously a little cartoonier than his style, but it would've been cool to have him around. Never met him.... I did once see the back of Rob Zombie's head as he left our producer's office...
i love your stuff
Well, Chris Battle, Thanks for the crocodile. For my HD Digital Video Shot, $865 million epic blockbuster film trilogy, Dexter's Odyssey, Film Club, Weta Workshop, Weta Digital, William Stout, Ricardo Delgado, and the rest of those familiar new faces who draw dinosaurs and I, Timmy McKenzie, will deliver to everyone the most realistic-looking dinosaurs ever concieved for film. we wanted the Dinosaurs in Dexter's Odyssey, execpt for some Skull Island Dinosaurs to have a slightly new and modern look. Not only we wanted the smooth pebbly skins that paleontologists told us that they have today, we also wanted the 2000's new-style dinosaurs, like some of them have feathers, fuzz or fluff in them and much more bird-like. In a time before John Ostrum discovers Deinonychus between 1964 and 1969, dinosaurs were imagined as lumbering, dim-witted, cold-blooded, oversized lizards. That's how the Samurai Jack crew drew them in the Samurai Jack two-part episode, The Birth of Evil, and these dinosaurs are now embarrassing to look at. However, you and the rest of the Cartoon Network Studios crew (including those who once joined Cartoon Network Studios) will do research on Dinosaurs and discover what you'd missed in Paleontology during the last 35 to 40 years. Dinosaurs, you will quickly learn, were wilder than anything yu'd ever imagined. Tails up, with birdlike agility, these are truly the creatures of nightmares. Your drawings and those from Cartoon Network Studios (including former Cartoon Network animators) will begin to reflect the new infomation and with each illustration, you'll try to learn more and depict dinosaurs more accurately. You and the rest of the current, new and former members of the Cartoon Network Studios team will published your new dinosaur illustration collection as part of a 700-page book called Dinosaur Kingdom: An Epic New View of A Lost World. Remember, Dinosaurs are very, very, very, very, very, very real. Very real indeed.
(Insert speachlessness here).
El Superbeasto 'ey, damn that's sweet your a character designer for Rob, that's freakin' AWESOME!
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