I wound up drawing this after spending too much time looking at Shane Glines' stuff at his CARTOON RETRO site. Shamelss, yes, and I could never draw like Shane, but when you get inspired, ya just gotta go with whatever vibe got ya there.
By the way, you can now buy Shane's new self-published magnum opus, S CURVES: The Art of Shane Glines at Lulu.com; 400 pages of color hard-cover goodness! Also available from Lulu is Shane's LILLY & FLINCH Sketchbook. Two batches of Shane's amazing illustrations? You know ya gotta have 'em.
(There; Maybe that plug'll make up for me biting Shane's style)
yeah, i know what you mean!!
good work either way!!
I am shaking my head in disgust! ha ha
nothing wrong with a little inspiration- especially when it results in a fine drawing like this.
You have a real skill for shapes.
Shane has so many good ingredients in his style of work. It's hard not to be inspired.There's some Timm, Hank Ketchum, a little Dan DeCarlo probably some Cole and countless others. I hope his book sells well.
Love the design of her form!! V COOL gesture!!
You have a fantastic art...
please enter in my blog to see my art style...
Love The lil'hellboy...
I'm from Brasil...
Maybe Shane is doing a FAKE CHRIS!
Keep biting away...looks so good i weep..yes..i weep..
Hey Pants! - we are both something this month... me a weed, and you a shake 'n' bake faker bannana maker!
(it's hot, and I'm hallucinatin' *help!*)
Great pose and I like her heals!
Ya'll are too generous... I am Bitey McSwipey.
Minja! - Yer the only weed that everyone luvs to have on their lawn! When ya gonna have another ICE CREAM SHOW???
Chritchellite- BEASTO ain't the same without you and Clay; 'cept now we all have bulletin boards. Woo.
verrryy nice man
Mister Battle!!!
Ya know, everytime I look at your blog, my pencil shrinks, & I thank the lord that I can at least do voices as my plan B.
Chris Battle is the MAN!!!
I'd be lying if I said I wasn't inspired by Shane. He is a master at his craft. I really like your piece. I can see the Shane influence but only becuase you pointed it out. LEZZZZZZ see some more!!!
Big fan, man... Shane-ish piece or not. :)
... Besides, Mr. Glines rules, and i think he leaves his mark on ALL of our brains!... That guy is TOO good!
Great drawing, as usual.
you can illustrate me any day.
i like. i like.
me likey :)
chris is waaay better than shane
.... not.
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