Wednesday, December 21, 2005

Just in time for Christmas!

This is a little piece I did for an upcoming feature I'm working on. Not sure if she'll make it into the film, since story details aren't final, so I thought she should have a chance to be seen:

This is the first thing I've ever colored digitally, by the way. (That's probably obvious) Here's the original
post-it clean-up:

    Happy Holidays to all my cartoon pals & all my new blogger friends, too!


Leo said...

Now THAT's a christmas drawing! Really cool design, Chris, love the blog. Keep up the great work!

Unknown said...

Amazingly hot & sexy! Awesome coloring I would say! Happy holidays too Chris!

RedDiabla said...


That's amazing!


Anonymous said...

Neat design, Chris, looking forward to seeing more of your Xiaolin Showdown work :)

Heath said...

Chris, cool name! You can't help but be a stud artist with a name like that. Nice blog Chris Battle! I really like your line work on this piece....Later Chris Battle!

Jay D Smith said...

looking good!!

Howard Shum said...

Nice drawing!

boob said...

Oh boy...another artist gone to the digital side. Ah, no worries. It's pretty fun as long as you make it fun. I sound like my fifth graede math teacher...

This Devilette is for a feature??? Ooooo, please tell me more...

boob said...

By the way, nice work.

I'm a fan of the ski slope boobies myself. Did some pinups recently on my blog. Stop by and check 'em out.

Freshyfresh said...

The Devil-lady are hot! She looks fantastic!