Monday, July 31, 2006

Doodle Dump

As usual, most of these are all done on 2x3 Post-Its.

I think aliens would enjoy the Japanese athetic.

I don't know what this is about; Maybe that we don't send letters or cards anymore 'cause of e-mail?

Okay, this was done on 4x6

O-yasumi nasai!

Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Sweat Shop!

This one's for everyone who went down to Comic-con and got hot 'n' sweaty amongst the nerd herd:

I didn't go myself, but I felt the hot 'n' sweaty out here in the San Fernando Valley as record temperatures blew out power to several lucky areas last Saturday, including our block. For 2 and a half days, 108 degree temperatures turned our home into a lovely mid-century oven. Perfect conditions for attempting to finish the freelance I had under-taken! Trying to work in a crowded, noisy coffee joint (not recommended) led to finally renting a hotel room the 2nd night so I could work and we could actually sleep.

Today, power was restored..... and we had a refridgerator to clean out. So thanks for putting up with the lack of a new post for the *big* weekend. I have a new batch of doodles to post once I clean 'em up a bit, so just be patient...

...and if you didn't go to Comic-con, this is all you missed.

Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Shady Business

Nothing too fancy here... just some stuff where I had to do some lighting effects:

Sometimes to draw the lighting effect, ya gotta rework the board drawing. In this case, the Powerpuff Girls are so specific in their posing (Due to their flat, UPA-inspired design) that only those of us who worked on the show since the beginning knew how to pose them correctly. There are often rules as to how a character can be posed in order to work with their unique designs. The PPGs probably gave freelance board artists more headaches than any other show at the time... (other than DEXTER'S LAB)

This is an example of what we would call "Models as layout":



A weird experience for those of us that worked on the original, but it's pretty cool. You can check out full episodes and more here.